Resilience Toolbox
The ways you have coped with challenges in the past can serve as tools for the future. Reflect on the words, actions, relationships, or anything else that has helped you move through tough moments.

The ways you have coped with challenges in the past can serve as tools for the future. Reflect on the words, actions, relationships, or anything else that has helped you move through tough moments.
The ways you have coped with challenges in the past can serve as tools for the future. Reflect on the words, actions, relationships, or anything else that has helped you move through tough moments.
Some challenging moments you face are out of your control, but you can build up a set of tools to help you prepare for and cope during future challenges. Recall a challenge you have faced that you feel like you overcame— how did you work through it?
Get specific on the tools you used to persevere. Think about words you told yourself, actions you took, people you went to for support, and any objects, places, or activities that comforted you. These are all powerful tools for overcoming future challenges!
What phrases did you tell yourself that helped you shift your mindset or comforted you?
What behaviors have you done in the past that have helped you move through challenging times?
Who did you lean on for support? Who has it helped to talk to during difficult moments?
What else has helped you through challenging moments? Objects, places, activities?
Are there any types of tools that you could use more of? Try any of these activities to build up your toolbox:
What does it mean to “bounce forward”? Picture how a plant grows back after being picked. It might take time and it might not grow exactly the same as before. Resilience of the mind is a similar process— we face challenges, adapt in a new way, and move forward over time.
Everyone has struggles. When we start to talk about what we’re dealing with, we pave the way for others to do the same. Share with a friend a story of something you have struggled with and how you are working through it. You might even inspire them to open up too!
You can cultivate your skills, abilities, and qualities— they are not set in stone. Think of one area you want to grow in where you don’t feel strong yet. Create a growth statement: I can develop a skill/ ability/ quality (i.e. a better writer) if I step towards action (i.e. write for 10 minutes a day).