Getting Unstuck

Part of staying hopeful is recognizing that barriers may stand in our way at times and we might feel stuck. Making small shifts in how you view these barriers can help you stay motivated and optimistic, even when you feel low.

Getting Unstuck

15 min

Getting Unstuck

Part of staying hopeful is recognizing that barriers may stand in our way at times and we might feel stuck. Making small shifts in how you view these barriers can help you stay motivated and optimistic, even when you feel low.

20 min
Pen + Paper

We can frame adversity as an opening for growth. While not all challenges are created equal and some may feel insurmountable, others might create opportunities for us to take one small step in a new direction. Reflect on a past time when you were able to grow from a challenge— what did this feel like?

ask yourself

What are you telling yourself? Is this helpful or hurtful to you?                       

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Can you name the feelings that are coming up for you?
(Tip: Use the feelings wheel in "In this Moment")

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How do these feelings affect what you do or how you act?

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Observe highs and lows throughout your day. When do you notice yourself feeling less hopeful? Start by breaking down one moment where you feel low:

ask yourself

What are you telling yourself? Is this helpful or hurtful to you?                       

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Can you name the feelings that are coming up for you?
(Tip: Use the feelings wheel in "In this Moment")

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How do these feelings affect what you do or how you act?

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What are you telling yourself? Is this helpful or hurtful to you?

Can you name the feelings that are coming up for you? (Tip: usethis feelings wheel to start)

How do these feelings affect what you do or how you act?


What’s one small change you could make to interrupt this cycle? Try to start with your thoughts— what could you tell yourself instead that might be more helpful to you?


Consider how changing your thoughts might change your resulting feelings for the better.

For example:
If I told myself

I might feel less

I might be able to

Take a look at our habits below!

Start with small mindset shifts

When you face a problem that seems insurmountable or you don’t know where to start, it can feel overwhelming. Try to imagine one small part of the problem— how could you shift your thinking? Ask yourself: What if… ? How might… ? Is it possible that… ?

Remember your successes

In moments where you might feel less hopeful, remembering your successes can reignite your sense of hope. Think back to a time when you overcame a challenge or made it through a tough time. How did you feel during the challenge? How did you feel after?

Name how you feel:

We all experience a range of highs and lows and it can be useful in getting unstuck to understand how we are feeling. Next time you feel stuck, try to get specific and name the feeling you have. Acknowledge that the way you are feeling in the moment is completely valid, but it’s not forever. How do you want to feel in the future?