
Each of us is an advocate in different ways— from standing by others or speaking up about injustice, to dedicating time to a cause or teaching about an issue.  What does being an advocate mean to you? Identify areas for positive change through advocacy that matter most to you.

Advocacy, Defined

20 min
Pen + Paper

The world is filled with examples of advocates for positive change, and there are many opportunities to be an advocate— make a list of the things that you want to become a stronger advocate for. This might include unmet needs you notice, people you care about, or issues and causes you have strong opinions about.


Add in visual examples if you can! Create collages, sketches, or if you prefer to do it digitally, a Pinterest board, Instagram story, or collection of photos.


write an advocacy statement

To me, being an advocate means..

I want to advocate for..



Start with doing some research on this topic. List at least 5-10 advocates for this cause. They might be more well-known leaders of movements and they also might be friends, family, or folks in your community who you see everyday.  Look at these examples of advocates and think about someone who practices advocacy in this way (it could be someone you know personally, someone who you know of in the world, or even yourself!):

my team

for example

Someone who teaches you about something they care about

Someone who speaks up for what they believe is right

Someone who stands by others when they need a voice

Someone who recognizes injustices and inequities

Someone who communicates their own needs

Someone who is dedicated to supporting a cause


After you create this list — what could you learn from them? Who else might they recommend you learn from? Keep track of all of the people you learn from along the way and what you learn.

Take a look at our habits below!

Learn about social injustices

What issues are going on in the world right now that you can advocate for? The first step to advocating for others is deepening your understanding of their perspectives. Take some time today to ask questions and do your research to learn more about what’s going on and how you can best help.

Stay up to date with impact

Who are the advocates who inspire you? How can you see more of what they are up to (i.e. following them on social media, regularly listening/watching/reading about their work)? Keep up with your favorite advocates and see what kind of impact they’re having.

Team up to advocate

Your voice is powerful. It’s even more powerful when you can work together with others to express your ideas. Talk with other advocates in your communities that care about the same things as you. Are there any things you can do together to achieve similar goals?